Installation guide

This guide briefly explains how to install and configure AvericsUnity Security Management System on your computer. After completing installation, you may want to read Getting Started with AvericsUnity for a brief introduction on using the AvericsUnity Security Management System. For more detailed feature descriptions, see the manuals available on the software DVD as well as on the Averics website. Your AvericsUnity product also features a very comprehensive built-in help system. Check our website for updates to make sure you install the most recent version of our software.

Before Beginning Installation

To ensure successful installation,

Please note that AvericsUnity cannot be installed on Windows 7 Starter edition

AvericsUnity System Installation

Insert AvericsUnity Security Management System installation disk in your computer’s CD drive or run AvericsUnity setup exe file. The following window will pop-up. Click on Install to start the installation.


Clicking on the Next button would launch the setup program.

The next window shows all the packages which are required to be installed by the setup program.


Click Next. The next window shows packages to install and packages already installed.

Before the Unity™ installation begins; the Setup Wizard will install or update any missing or outdated Windows components. The process may take less than a minute to 10 minutes depending on what needs to be updated or installed. This part of the setup requires no user input. 

In the Setup SQL Server Connection window it gives you two options to choose from. If you want AvericsUnity Installer to create SQL Instance then choose Default. If you want to specify your custom database instance, then click on Custom and enter SQL Server Name, Authentication mode, Login and Password information and click Next. If you did not make any changes the default settings will be used. 

Please note that if you are using Microsoft SQL's default instance i.e. MSSQLSERVER on local machine then you only need to put "." and on a remote machine you need to enter "<IP ADDRESS>" of machine. No trailing back-slashes or name of instance is required.

Upon completion of Windows components update, AvericsUnity setup will begin.

To continue, click Next.  Read the license agreement. You must select “I accept the terms of this License Agreement” before going to the next step. Click Next.

Enter or change User Name and Organization (optional), then click Next.

If needed, you may change software installation location (optional). Click on Next.

Click Install to begin copying files.



Once the setup is completed, you will see following page. Click Finish to close setup.


Setup has placed the AvericsUnity shortcut on your desktop. Click this shortcut to start AvericsUnity.

Alternatively, you can start an Internet browser and enter http://localhost/AvericsUnity in the address bar to start AvericsUnity.

You will see the following page.

Enter user name and password and click Log in

Default user name is admin and default password is password

Next, you may want to read Getting Started with AvericsUnity for a brief introduction on using the AvericsUnity Security Management System.

Installing AvericsUnity on Windows 8

If you are planning to install AvericsUnity™ on a computer running Windows 8 operating systems, you must take the following steps before running the AvericsUnity installation program.

Enable .NET Framework 3.5

Point the mouse to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Search.

Enter Windows features in the search box, click Settings, and then click Turn Windows features on or off.

Following window will pop-up. Check “.NET Framework 3.5” node. Click Ok.

Installing AvericsUnity  on Windows Server 2012

If you are planning to install AvericsUnity™ on a computer running Windows Server 2012 operating systems, you must take following steps before running the AvericsUnity installation program.

Enable .NET Framework 3.5

Point the mouse to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Search.  


Enter Windows features in the search box, click Settings, and then click Turn Windows features on or off

Following window will pop-up. Click Next.

Click on Features then check “.NET Framework 3.5” node. Click Next.

Click on Install.

Installing AvericsUnity on Windows 10

If you are planning to install AvericsUnity  on a computer running Windows 10 operating systems, you must take the following steps before running the AvericsUnity installation program.

Enable .NET Framework 3.5

Enter Windows features in the search box in the task bar, and then click Turn Windows features on or off

Following window will pop-up. Check “.NET Framework 3.5” node. Expand the node and check Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation and Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation nodes. Click Ok.

Uninstalling AvericsUnity 

To uninstall AvericsUnity, go to “Uninstall a program” page in Windows Control Panel.

Select AvericsUnity  and click Uninstall.

This would completely remove all files related to AvericsUnity from your system.

Uninstall does not remove your database files. If required, they must be deleted manually.

Troubleshooting Guide

If the setup exits before successful completion of the installation, make sure that: 

After successful installation when Unity failed to load, follow the steps below:

Now in command prompt type iisreset and hit Enter key



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