Multi-Edit is a powerful tool used to edit fields and settings of multiple entities simultaneously. Navigate to Database > Multi-Edit to access Multi-Edit.
The multi-edit page consists of two sections. The Selection Drop-down contains list of entities that can be bulk-edited. The Multi-edit Grid is the main workspace area.
The Selection Drop-down loads up a list of entities that can be edited in the multi-edit grid. Available toolbar buttons change according to the data loaded in the Multi-Edit Grid. Options available in the toolbar are explained in individual sections in other articles in the Editing data in bulk section.
Records in be single-selected or multi-selected in a multiple ways. you can click on one of the rows, holding down the mouse button, drag the cursor to other records in the grid. This action selects (highlights) the rows. Also, you can press and hold Ctrl button on the keyboard and use mouse to click on the rows that you wants to work with. Highlighted rows shows which rows will get affected when changes are made.
Records in the grid can be further filtered by applying filters to individual columns.
To sort records in the grid, click on the column.
Name and Description of an entity can be edited within the grid by either double-clicking on the cell or by selecting and starting to type.
Multiple records can be edited using menu options available in the touch menu or the context menu that can be accessed by right-clicking records.
Edit menu launches the Edit Dialog discussed below that can be used to edit attributes of records quickly or copy attributes from an existing entity.
Delete menu, where available, deletes selected records.
Select desired data in Multi-Edit grid and Right-click or click on the Touch Option and then click on Edit.
Select the destination data in Multi-Edit grid and Right-click or click on the Touch Option and then click on Edit.
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