Showing a video on an event

Video views can be displayed in a number of different ways, one of them being poping it up when an event takes place within the system.

Follow these steps to create a global command to automate displaying video on an event.

  1. Create an event based global command, in Database >Global Commands menu
  2. Select the event type
  3. In the Conditions tab, add devices and users if required
  4. In the Actions tab add a Client command. In the client commands menu select Show Device Video (pop-up a video view configured in the device Video tab) or Show Video View (pop-up na arbitrary video view). You can also choose to pop-up a single camera on an event by selecting Show Camera.
  5. Finish and Save
  6. Test your configuration by generating the event. If the configuration is correct you will see device video, when the event is triggered


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