Activity Reports

Activity reports are historical reports and provide a way to review all the information that would have appeared in the Event Viewer and Alarm Viewer. Reports can be run for each device type or all device types.



Description Filters

Area activity 

Report of all area activity events

Area, Event, Site

User Activity

Report of all user activity events

User, Department, Access point, Controller, Event, Site

Access point activity

Report of all events on access points

Area, Event, Controller, Site

Input/Output activity 

Report of all events on input and outputs

Inputs/Outputs, Controller, Event, Site

Device activity

Report of all events on devices configured in AvericsUnity

Controller, Event, Site

The site filter is available for all reports when using a partitioned database.


The user can select one of two options specified under the general tab for generating the reports and they are:

 Number of Days - Days for which user needs report.

 Start and end date - Duration of the report which user needs.

 Select Time Period - A specific time frame can be selected for the range of days selected from the earlier option.

Select a data store - See the Archiving section in Backup and archiving to create a data store.

 When there is a large amount of user data in the current data store reporting can have a longer than expected wait period. To streamline this you can select a specific archive to run the report on.


The Filter tab contains different parameters that are relevant to the specific report. These parameters will determine the contents of the generated report. Choose the All radio box or click Selection to filter the report to specific entities. Use the search box to find specific entities from long lists. 


The column tab contains all the fields necessary for displaying in the report and the user can select the particular fields for displaying in the generated reports. Some fields are mandatory.

Columns pertinent to activity reports are as follows:

User activity Access point activity Area activity Input/output activity Device activity


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