Time and attendance report

The time and attendance reports in AvericsUnity is an intuitive report that is very easy to use and generate. These reports contain check-in and check-out times for visitors and have the option to give us the work time which can have various other applications.





Individual report

This report consists of users depending upon the individual or a group of individuals.         

User, Department, In reader, Out reader, Site, User group, Custom filters, Time rounding in, Time rounding out, Min duration, Deduct

Daily report

This report consists of users depending on the day or a set of days chosen. Department, In reader, Out reader, Site, User group, Custom filters, Time rounding in, Time rounding out, Min duration, Deduct
Time overrides This report consists of manually overridden times.  User, Department, Site, User group
User group report This report consists of users depending on a group of individuals.       User, Department, In reader, Out reader, Site, User group, Custom filters, Time rounding in, Time rounding out, Min duration, Deduct

The site filter is available for all reports when using a partitioned database.


Time Overrides

If a user has mistakenly signed in or out at an undesired time, an application user can override their attendance period and see the new time reflected in reports. 

You can set this time override in two places:

Click the plus button to add a new time override for a day. Select the day, time in, time out and type a reason or comment. Click OK. 

The Time override will be reflected in the time and attendance reports. 

 Only one time override can be made per day and it will only be reflected on the first in and out events of that day. 


The user can select one of two options specified under the general tab for generating the reports and they are:

 Number of Days - Days for which user needs report.

 Start and end date - Duration of the report which user needs.


The Filter tab contains different parameters that are relevant to the specific report. These parameters will determine the contents of the generated report. Choose the All radio box or click Selection to filter the report to specific entities. Use the search box to find specific entities from long lists. 


The column tab contains all the fields necessary for displaying in the report and the user can select the particular fields for displaying in the generated reports. Some fields are mandatory.

Individual Daily Time overrides User group


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