Overview of dashboards

The dashboard is the home page that opens when a user logs into AvericsUnity. AvericsUnity provides two "out-of-the-box" dashboards and the capability to create customized dashboards.

Built-in Dashboards

There are two built-in dashboards: Welcome and Monitoring

The Welcome dashboard provides access to all key functions of AvericsUnity from a single screen. The dashboard is suitable for someone aiming to add credentials and configure basic features of the system.

The Monitoring dashboard consists of graphical representation of key devices and user activity and the events monitor. The dashboard is meant to be used by security operators aiming to monitoring the system.

Custom Dashboards

Users can set up their own dashboards easily using layout templates and a range of tools of "widgets". This allows the user to have instant access to the information and tasks necessary for their work.

More details on Customizeable Dashboards

Summary of Widget function and set up

Selecting Default Dashboard

Dashboards can be selected from the editor on the right of the page or the drop down at the top of the page.

  1. On the home page click on the Home icon  in the top left corner.  
  2. In the expanded list select the dashboard you frequent most.
  3. Click on one of the dashboard names listed.
  4. The selected dashboard is displayed. This dashboard will appear each time the application user logs in or clicks the logo on the top left.




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